January 7 to January 17

Here is our learning for the first 2 weeks back after Winter break:

- we finished our last printing class with the OT Rose. We learned a lot and our printing has got a bit neater.
- we will be learning how to do cursive writing very soon

Language Arts:
- we've started a partner novel study. We are in groups of 2 or 3 and we are reading a novel with our group and writing about each section as we go
- Narrative Writing - we are learning how to be better story writers. So far we have learned how to write an entertaining story beginning. There are 4 techniques: action, dialogue, sound, thought/question. Ask me about each one!
- we made word lists to hang up in the classroom to help us with action words, dialogue words and sound words

Social Studies:
- we have stopped working on our google slide show and now are creating a model to go with the slide show
- the model explains how our natural resource works

- we did some more experimenting and learning about irrigation
- we visited each of the 4 Gr. 3/4 classrooms and learned about water collection and how to move water

- we are learning the months and greetings

- Floor hockey!

- lots more of math problems with a focus on division!
- math pretest so Ms. Kooner knows what to teach us in division and multiplication

- Library every Wednesday!
- Please bring back report card envelopes
- Book orders due on Wednesday


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